Showtime Readers 4 Pygmalion Teacher's Edition

ISBN(EAN) 9781848621367
Издатель Express Publishing
(сайт издательства)
Язык Английский
Серия Showtime Readers
Уровень 4, B1
Возрастные ограничения 6+
Рекомендуемый возраст 10+
Формат Мягкая обложка
Тип продукта Книга для чтения
Страницы 128
Год издания 2009
Рейтинг 4.5
Вес (грамм) 360
Размер (мм) 297(д) х 210(ш) х 6(в)

Life changes dramatically for Eliza Doolittle, a modern Cindirella who is being transformed from a common flower girl into a lady. Her lessons with Professor Higgins prove valuable for both of then in different ways. But who is to learn their lesson lesson better? Who is find out that proper pronunciation cannot make up improper manners? Showtime Readers is a series of storybooks especially designed to provide easy and enjoyable reading practice. They have been carefully graded into three stages and have been written in a way that will help teachers to use them as plays, thus providing an early introduction to drama as a means of learning.

Showtime Readers tell tales of friendship, trust, family loyalty, kindness and love using colourful illustrations and dramatized audio to stimulate the imagination of the pupils and encourage them to explore the wonderful world of the English language through literature, poetry and drama.
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