Outcomes Intermediate ExamView CD-ROM

ISBN(EAN) 9781424028009
Издатель Heinle/Cengage Learn
(сайт издательства)
Язык Английский
Серия Outcomes
Уровень Intermediate
Возрастные ограничения 16+
Рекомендуемый возраст 16+
Носитель CD-ROM
Тип продукта Тесты
Год издания 2010
Рейтинг 4.6
Вес (грамм) 60

"Outcomes" is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practice the language they need to have conversations in English. Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course.
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