Gold Experience A1 Students' Book

ISBN(EAN) 9781447961888
Издатель Pearson ELT
Язык Английский
Серия Gold Experience
Уровень A1
Возрастные ограничения 16+
Рекомендуемый возраст 16+
Формат Мультимедийный продукт
Тип продукта Учебник
Год издания 2014
Рейтинг 4.6
Вес (грамм) 346
Размер (мм) 276(д) х 219(ш) х 6(в)

Topic-based units offer thorough input and practice of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, with vocabulary and grammar presented in situations which exemplify their meaning and use. - Switch On to watch authentic TV clips and video podcasts - each unit of the course has video material that's fully integrated with topic and tasks. Power Up what teenagers know and get them sharing their ideas and knowledge of the world. Word XP, Grammar XP, Language XP tips and guidance take language skills to the next level. Speak Up, Listen Up, Write On sections teach new language in a personalised context helping students to engage, create and share. Exam tips give useful advice on how to develop and practise all skills for Cambridge English for Schools exams. Revision sections reinforce the vocabulary and grammar students have learnt. MyEnglishLab is an online platform that helps with vocabulary and grammar practice. It instantly grades student answers and gives them meaningful feedback, saving teachers time and energy. Insightful analytics give teachers the whole picture of each class' performance and help track individual student's performance.
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