Activate! A2 Student's Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM

ISBN(EAN) 9781292143057
Издатель Pearson ELT
Язык Английский
Серия Activate
Уровень A2
Возрастные ограничения 12+
Рекомендуемый возраст 12+
Формат Мультимедийный продукт
Носитель Печатная книга + CD-ROM
Тип продукта Учебник
Страницы 144
Год издания 2016
Рейтинг 4.5
Вес (грамм) 430

An exciting and intensive exams preparation course tailored to meet the needs of your teenage students. Focusing on themes from teen culture brought to life with the inspiring DVD, Activate! offers an enjoyable and highly motivating exam preparation experience for a range of international exams.

• The rigorous exam syllabus combined with enjoyable topics and tasks ensure your teenage students reach their full potential
• Motivate your students with the exciting components including students' DVD, and students' CD ROM
• Give your students the opportunity to test themselves and monitor their progression with the fully interactive iTests
• Easy preparation for multiple exams with the flexible materials in the teacher's Exam Box and extensive exam practice activities. 
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